Thursday 1 March 2012

Hairdresser (part 1)

Off to the hairdresser again tonight. I was all settled in with my kindle, some magazines and a colour in my hair when I got a phone call from home saying Noah wasn't taking his bottle. We agreed I'd quickly wait for the colour to finish, have a very quick cut and forego the blow dry and treatment which, for those who saw my earlier post, is the best part of my trip to the hairdresser. Darren would try again with the bottle and attempt to keep Noah occupied for a bit.

With the colour now rinsed off I checked in at home again - Noah was still not happy and getting worse. I told the hairdresser the cut would have to wait and left with my hair still dripping wet. So, while I'm a little disappointed I didn't get my couple of hours pampering tonight it just means that I get to go back next week for a bit more 'me time'.

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